Georg Schlegel GmbH & Co. KG

M12 – A lot of connections are offered by this technology

all about automation Hamburg 2025

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The M12 connector has been introduced in 1985, so almost 40 years ago. During the first decades this technology was mainly used in the automotive industry, but thanks to the digitisation and industry 4.0 the M12 connector experienced an incredible boom which still lasts. Bus systems, automation, robotics and IIoT create a basis for further, numerous components and devices that are wired with a M12 connector. An increase in enquiries and also further development of the M12 technology can be expected for the next years. This is currently evident by improvements, as for example the push pull mechanics where there is a “click” when connecting the plug. For some fields, the vast spread is still exclusive in Europe, but the M12 connector has been established globally in general.

Which factors accelerated the development?
The catalyst for this trend was the request for a reliable, error-free and easy to install connector which preferably is resistant against humidity and dust. The pros become also evident during maintenance work or other situations when the connection has to be unplugged. The reconnection for conventional wiring is more time-intensive and also prone to mistakes. Thanks to the M12 connector this is done easy and fast, furthermore it is almost impossible to wrongly plug the M12 connection. The requirement for an internationally standardised system was another reason for the development and spread of the M12 connector as globally compatible systems can be realised by it.

What specific benefits do you see?
The benefits of the M12 connector are obvious:
• standardised system
• very robust and reliable
• numerous applications possible
• simple and almost error-free installation
• considerably reduced cabling effort
• easy diagnosis of the system



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