IAI Industrieroboter GmbH


all about automation Hamburg 2025

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Cartesian Robots Systems
IAI offers Cartesian-robots as 2- and 3-axis combinations, based on the well establish linear-axes of the RCP6-series. They are either equipped with a 24 V, or with 230 V servo motors in hundreds of different configurations as standard or precision types. All systems are compact, highly-stable units with a low weight and high rigidity.
Each robot-system is delivered with the associated connecting parts and cabling and can be installed immediately in a production line. A wide range of configurations ensures that all the special requirements of every user can be met. The repeatability of all Cartesian robot systems is +/- 0.01 mm. The vertical installed axes can also be equipped with a brake, making sure that the slider is prevented from sinking down in the event of an unexpected interruption of the power supply.

High-resolution battery-less absolute encoders
All IAI Cartesian-robots also features of course high-resolution battery-less absolute encoders on all installed axes. So, these robots deliver all advantages of this technology as well: no need for homing operations or home sensors, no battery maintenance and problem-free restart after emergency stops.

Small working envelope
One of the key advantages of Cartesian-robots is their optimized working envelope which covers only the needed working space of the application. The individual combination of different length of all single axes, and even the number of axes, gives the maximum flexibility in designing exactly the handling system which is really and only needed.

Complete Handling-Systems
In combination of the Cartesian-robots with the electrical gripper and rotary-axes of IAI, it is indeed very simple to design complete compressed-air-free electrical handling-systems. Such Cartesian-robots doing a great job at all kind of handling applications, pick-and-place, palletizing or many other jobs in production, logistics or quality assurance departments in all industries.



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