NZR Nordwestdeutsche Zählerrevision Ing. Aug. Knemeyer GmbH & Co
Autarkiebasierte Verteilung von Mieterstrom
NZR Nordwestdeutsche Zählerrevision Ing. Aug. Knemeyer GmbH & Co

Self-sufficiency-based distribution of tenant electricity

all about automation Hamburg 2024

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Autarkiebasierte Verteilung von Mieterstrom
NZR Nordwestdeutsche Zählerrevision Ing. Aug. Knemeyer GmbH & Co

Self-sufficiency-based distribution of tenant electricity



Self-sufficiency-based distribution of tenant electricity

The federal government has now set the course to make electricity from photovoltaics attractive to everyone. This is especially true for the majority of people who rent in Germany.

Installing your own full-fledged PV system is rarely possible here, which is why communal systems for generating electricity are the way to go. In order to motivate participants to use particularly cheap PV electricity, incentives can be set with the NZR system.

Benefits for everyone
For a landlord, implementing a tenant electricity model can be worthwhile for several reasons. On the one hand, the attractiveness of the property increases because the tenant can be offered cheaper and sustainable electricity. On the other hand, faster amortization can be expected through the use of self-sufficiency-based tenant electricity distribution, as this promotes self-consumption of the PV electricity generated.

The tool
CountVision can capture every measurement situation with quarter-hour accuracy thanks to the timely energy data collection. Based on this database, it is determined how the electricity consumption of an individual tenant is divided into PV electricity and electricity that was purchased at high cost from the energy supplier, thus leading to self-sufficient tenant electricity distribution. This information gives the tenant the opportunity to adapt their behavior and thus play an active role in the success of the tenant electricity project.

NZR as a project partner
NZR is known to offer a comprehensive portfolio in the area of ​​meter technology and communication, also for special measurement situations. Data collection and analysis take place either in the CountVision cloud or within the customer’s IT infrastructure.


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