MiniTec GmbH & Co.KG

MiniTec GmbH & Co.KG

all about automation Hamburg 2025

Über uns

MiniTec – Simple solutions for complex systems
MiniTec has been synonymous with innovation and precision in automation technology since 1986. As a growing technology company with a global network of experts and partners, we specialise in developing customised solutions that increase productivity and efficiency in a wide range of industries.

Innovative profile – The Art of Simplicity
Our philosophy “The Art of Simplicity” is reflected in every aspect of our work. From our modular system to our linear technology, everything is designed to offer maximum reliability with optimum cost-effectiveness. We achieve this through strict modularity and the avoidance of unnecessary product diversity. Our complementary CAD software supports the development of sophisticated solutions for every task.

Cooperation with ISW – The AOP-Tester
In close co-operation with ISW GmbH, we have developed the “Automatic Optical Product Tester” (AOP-Tester). This state-of-the-art system revolutionises non-contact measurement in industries where precision and freedom from contamination are crucial, such as pharmaceuticals, medical and food technology. With the AOP tester, up to 12 parameters of a workpiece can be measured simultaneously and in the smallest of spaces. The integration of a precise small robot enables efficient feeding of the parts to various measuring stations, while the evaluation software decides on the further use or sorting of the parts.

Future-proof technology – areas of application and benefits
This innovative solution increases the throughput of measurements by a factor of sixty and can operate continuously 24/7. The results are not only precise, but also sustainable, as “IO” tested parts can be reused – a major advance over conventional methods.

The AOP tester is a prime example of MiniTec’s expertise in developing automation solutions tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. It epitomises our ability to translate complex challenges into simple, efficient and innovative solutions.

Visit us at “All About Automation 2024” in Hamburg and experience the AOP tester in action – a future technology that sets new standards in precision and efficiency.





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